Friday, October 3, 2008

a word

I am currently reading the book Eat, Pray, Love. It's okay; I don't love it, or eat it or pray for it either. But last night I read a passage that has been milling around in my head ever since. During an extended stay in Rome, the author finds that she loves the city but somehow feels she doesn't fit in. Her friend tells her this is because her "word" doesn't match the city's "word." They then discuss how every city and person has a "word" that sums up their overall mindset or attitude. After thinking about this for a few minutes, I decided my word is "worry." I'm not proud of that, but there it is. Even my husband agrees. We haven't figured out yet what his word is, but I'm sure he has one. I really like this concept. It makes me want to figure out more words. Like the word for Payson, or Utah. Any ideas?


shannon taylor said...

oooooh, what a good thought / question; I'll have to think about this one! When I think of Utah I think ... "organized", "beautiful", "inspiring", "growth". I had a friend who called Utah "vanilla" because there is quite a bit of homogeneity. I think my town (Ames, Iowa) would definitely be "simple". My family would be "CHAOS"! I seem to writing my own blog post now, so I'll stop!!

KB said...

It's so insightful to hear your words for Utah. The ones I came up with were "improve," "perfect," and "faith." I'm not sure any of them are quite right though. The other interesting part to this theory is that even those who are not actively living the word are thinking about how they should be, or wish everyone else weren't, etc. Maybe that is why Dave says Utah's word is "judgmental." :(

shannon taylor said...

utah word = judgmental, made me laugh out loud!